Monday 17 June 2013

Draft of appropriation piece: The Last Supper


This is my first draft of my appropriation piece of The Last Supper. (originally by Leonardo da Vinci)

Saturday 1 June 2013

Photoshop Three

How I made my third photoshop:
1) I started by erasing the unwanted parts out of my original image
2) I then added the picture of the sky and changed the colour filter and opacity
3) I uploaded a second background picture of the flower and placed a colour overlay on the picture before merging it into the background
4) Next I duplicated the picture of Sophie's face and moved it to the corner of the image
5) Now I used the Lasso Tool to capture the flower in Sophie's hair and changed the opacity and the texture to the canvas effect
6) Then I played around with the hue/saturation adjustment until I found the colours I wanted
7) Next I uploaded the picture of my own drawings and changed the opacity and erased parts so that it could only be seen on the second face
8) After that I used the liquify tool to distort the corner of my picture
9) Lastly, I was experimenting dragging around layers and accidently came across a layout I really liked, which turned out to be my final favourite photoshopped image

Photoshop Two

How I made my second photoshop:
1) I used my original image and erased the background and covered up the face paint cracks using the clone tool.
2) Then I duplicated the layer and used a tutorial to help me to change Sophie's eye colour to blue.
3) Next I brought in the sky background and changed the colour using a photo filter
4) I then uploaded a picture of a rainbow and changed the opacity so that it blended well into the background
5) After that I added another picture of Sophie's face- adjusting the opacity once again
6) I uploaded a sampler picture from our laptop photo library and decreased the opacity to 23%
7) Next I brought in the picture of my drawings and erased parts of it and changed the opacity so that it didnt look too crowded
8) Lastly, I uploaded the photo of the henna tattoo and erased and modified it so that it could only be seen on the cheek

Friday 31 May 2013

Photoshop One

How I made my first photoshop:

1) I erased the background out of the original image and cleaned up the face paint by disguising the cracks using the clone tool.
2) I uploaded my background (the clouds) and added a pink colour filter to the image.
3) I uploaded another image of a flower (erasing the background) and used different effects and colour filtering to change the texture/colours.
4) Next I uploaded the photo of my own drawing and erased around the face so that the pattern showed only face and flower. I also changed the opacity so that it blended into the face.
5) Lastly I took the image of the henna tattoo and erased around a small area, changed the opacity and then moved it onto one of the clouds.

Thursday 30 May 2013

My Drawings

These are the drawings I incorporated into my Photoshop. I used drawings that I'd done as title pages in my exercise books and adjusted the opacity to fit into my images

Photoshop Tutorial

I used a youtube tutorial to change the colour of Sophie's eyes in photoshop from brown to blue.

I found this video about the lip tattoos, which were actually thought of by a twelve-year-old girl and created by her dad. I didn't use the tutorial when I used the lip tattoo in class but I still found the video helpful.

Yasumasa Morimura

1) Yasumasa Morimura is a Japanese Artist who was born on the 11th June, 1951
2) Yasumasa is famous for his appropriation, satire and parody which he expresses in his recreations and original artworks.
3) He communicates his own ideas of gender, sexuality, beauty and culture through his artworks
4) He questions the audience by confronting them with recreations of famous images in which he has reversed the gender roles or incorporated his own culture.
5) He uses techniques like photoshopping to recreate western artworks, himself in make-up and costumes before he inserts his face into well known artworks.


1) Orlan is a french artist born on the 30th May, 1947 who is a post modern artist
2) Through her use of installations, sculptures, photography and performances she challenges the audience without using a fixed medium.
3) Orlan is a carnal artist who uses her body as a canvas and alters her own image to challenge her audience's perception of beauty.
4) She communicates her ideas of beauty and feminism through her artworks
5) Her performances themselves were scripted, filmed and invole both Orlan and medical professionals, dancers, singers and musicians.

Wednesday 29 May 2013

My Face Paints

These are my original face paints. I didn't entirely follow just one of my designs, instead I incorporated all of them into one face painting. I really liked the lip tattoo which I used as the contemporary part of the design, I also liked the use of the diamontes and the black pattern which are elements of the Indian culture. I also tried to show parts of henna from the Hindu culture. 

Examples of Hindu Face Paint

~My Three Drafts~

These are my three face painting drafts that I drew and painted using Indian and contemporary art. I really liked the complexity of the henna designs and I also really liked the bold red lips. 

Finished Pictures

These are my three final photoshopped images: